Friday, June 24, 2011


Yes, I'm still here. 
I know it's been a good bit since I've posted. 
I would apologize, but I think it's better I just explain myself. 

I was in overload.

You see, sometimes I have to live for extended periods of time without my hubby.
He's not military, but he is gone enough that often people ask me if he is. 
Over the past year and a half though, we were blessed enough to hardly fly with the job we had and then we got laid off which kept Daddy home every single day!
Not working and being laid off a blessing you say?
Well, yes. 
Have you ever had a 6 month period of time where your husband had 
no other priorities but you and your kids. 
Oh money is stressful for sure, and not knowing what, if anything, was coming was hard,
but having him here every day was priceless. 
A gift my children don't even realize they were getting. 

Anyway back to overloaded me. 

My goals are like this:
Monday: work on Evelyn's Closet orders
Tuseday: Zoo or something fun with my kids
Wednesday: Evelyn's Closet
Thursday-Saturday: more fun with my kids
Sunday: Church

Seems easy enough right? 
Except it isn't always. 
Somewhere in there I try to make the time to read my Bible.
It's a priority that I want to be more like eating..I know I have to do it to survive.
That mostly happens at about midnight every night and I 
am so interested in what I'm learning that I stay up way more than 30mins to an hour.
Then I'm tired. 
Kids wait for no man! Absolutely no rest for the tired momma if Evelyn Claire is awake! 
Then there is this super blog! 
I LOVE my blog!
But, it's a bit time consuming when you first start out. 
I found out fast that I needed to link to my facebook often. I needed a Twitter. 
That lead me to other amazing blogs that I wanted to read and learn from. 
I cut out TV altogether. 
Thought it would be hard, but it wasn't AT ALL. I don't even miss it. 
But the computer is much harder to put down. 
I need to be on here to get my orders, but I need to be working on orders to maintain timely deliveries. 
I need to be sure that I don't use the words
"Not right now baby, mommy is working" 
because this business is just a side item. This includes not saying that I'm too busy blogging either. 
My hubby works so I can stay home and our amazing family
who has taken care of us through all of our job issues does so, that I may stay home
and raise our babies. They are VERY FIRST! 

So a little over a month ago I posted about B having some emergency surgery. 
From then on it was chaos. He left, A got sick, E got sick, E got hurt. They don't even make me 
officially sign in at the ER anymore. I just initial in 3 places. 

I probably should have written a post about how I needed a break, but there was no time.
I just stopped. 
Everything computer related. 
No blog. No Twitter. Just kiddos. Some minor Evelyn's Closet when they were sleeping. 
More Bible time. 
Hubby home. 

Now I think I'm ready to be back. 
Can you forgive me for abandoning all forms of communication?

I thought you might! 

Next week will be great! 
Furniture tutorial. 
Guest Gour-Make It Monday from my super sweet friend Toni Jill!
I'll "Pour out what's on my heart" as usual, and I really hope you aren't on 
overload so you can pop by and visit me. 

Goodbye Overload....until next time. 
I'm a mother..I know "overlaod" will be back! 


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